1. To sign up for a web account, you must already be a registered Consumer with Concepts.
  2. Go to, and click “Sign In” in the upper right corner. On the resulting page, click “Consumer Sign Up” (near the bottom). The direct link is here.
  3. The first thing you’ll see are the Terms and Conditions. Please make sure to read and digest this information, as it pertains to how you’ll use your web account in the future.
  4. Enter your name (first and last) in the spaces provided.
  5. Enter your Consumer ID # in the space provided. This is the unique id number given to you by Concepts of Independence. If you are unsure of your Consumer ID, please call 212-293-9999 x1235 or x1019 to check.
  6. Enter your email address in the space provided.
  7. Think of a password you would like to use, and enter this in the space marked “password”
  8. Enter your street address, city, zip code and phone number in the appropriate spaces.
  9. Type your name in the signature box, certifying that you’ve read the terms and conditions and provided the requested information. Be sure to click the check the box right above this as well.
  10. Click “Register”
  11. Concepts staff will review your submission within 2 business days. You will receive an email from Concepts notifying you when your profile has been activated. If there is a problem, Concepts staff will be in touch with you to figure it out.
  12. Once your profile is activated, you can log in using the Consumer’s first and last name (as one word, no spaces) as the username, and the password you chose. A password may have been automatically generated for you. If this is the case, it will be in the welcome email you received from Concepts. You can change your password to one of your choosing once you log in.
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