Concepts of Independence, Inc. pioneered the original Consumer Directed Personal Assistance Services program (CDPAS) in 1980, enabling severely disabled and chronically ill individuals to hire, train and supervise the Personal Assistant home care worker of their choice. CDPAS was a revolution: it allowed these severely disabled individuals to live independently, with freedom and dignity. Further, CDPAS is administered at a lower cost than a traditional home care program, saving New York State Medicaid millions of dollars per year.

Getting up at 3:00am to catch a bus from NYC up to Albany may sound like a harrowing start to a day. However, I make this pilgrimage annually because it is of utmost importance in keeping independence over my life. This trek to New York State’s capitol is for Advocacy Day - to fight for ........
Bryan Sealy

It was an evening of song, accolades and fun! … With a puzzle thrown in the mix. For those of you at the Gala who want to peak at the answers to the Scavenger Hunt crossword puzzle, check out them out here!........

In culmination of our musical blog series, here is a mix tape of tunes by people with disabilities who create and perform right here in NY. From hip hop to rock to jazz, this mix tape revels in the talent and sound which exists in this disability community. We celebrate the independence, freedom and........
Musicians of the Disability Community
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